Blog Post #9: Chronicles of Penning ‘EGoF’, Pt. 1

Writing “The Eternal Goddess of Flames, Book Two: Flames of Redemption” is kicking my ass. Mainly because I have so much shit piled on my plate, including still promoting book one.


The deadline for the follow-up looms over me like the Grim Reaper’s scythe.

Jeeps McGeeps… I need to get my shit together. LOL

I’m not sticking to my disciplined schedule of writing.

I’m letting the fear of imperfection block me.

So, I posted these reminders for myself:

  1. Push through and do not wait for inspiration. EMBRACE THE SUCK.
  2. Sometimes I am going to struggle with how to write out a scene and how to properly get the image of it out of my head. Expect that and just put it down in the simplest of terms. EMBRACE THE SUCK.
  3. Finding the balance between “show” versus “tell” will oftentimes happen during the third and fourth rewrites for me. Whole scenes get reconstructed and redescribed since the first version will usually be heavy on the “tell”, which has never sat well with me.

Okay, now that I have that out of my system, time to get back to work.

See you all at the next writing hangout!

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