The Vow Pt. 4b – Conversations About Creations

Luke and I are just resting in the woods for a day.

I’m working – i.e. writing – while I nurse my son back to health.

He had a terrible nightmare last night where he woke up screaming. (I don’t know why I feel like that’s relevant.)

Luke isn’t looking too good, either… I wonder if he and my son’s illnesses are connected?

Now I feel even guiltier about not finishing this part of the path yet.


Luke and the little creator are taking a rest day.

Luke has been getting sick and having to “rough it” alone in the woods is getting to him.

A little recuperation should be good.

The little creator finally begins to show some compassion toward her creations, and Luke encourages her to keep worldbuilding.


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The Story

The little creator realizes she's been purposely procrastinating. It's like she's afraid to move forward or something...

The procrastination is hurting Luke. He doesn't realize it, but the little creator does, and she feels even more guilty about her fear of facing her past.


The Location

A strange forest cloaked with black tar-like regrets and blanketed with the shadows of guilt.

The Heroes

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